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Wolverine, Gulo gulo (no longer present in area)

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The wolverine, is the largest land-dwelling member of the family Mustelidae. It is a muscular carnivore and a solitary animal. The wolverine has a reputation for ferocity and strength out of proportion to its size, with the documented ability to kill prey many times larger than itself. Wolverines are primarily scavengers. Most of their food is carrion, especially in winter and early spring. The wolverine resembles a small, squat, broad bear, its shoulder height is 14–18 inches. Most wolverines weigh between about 18 and 40 pounds, with legs that are short and somewhat bowed, the soles hairy, the semi-retractile claws long and sharp, the ears short, and the teeth strong.

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Wolverines are limited to alpine tundra, and boreal and mountain forests in the western mountains, especially large wilderness areas. However, dispersing individuals have been found far outside of usual habitats. They are usually in areas with snow on the ground in winter. Riparian areas may be important winter habitat. When inactive, Wolverines occupy dens in caves, rock crevices, under fallen trees, in thickets, or similar sites. Wolverines are primarily terrestrial but may climb trees.

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