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Long-tailed shrew, Sorex dispar

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They have a long snout and small eyes, with a long and thick tail. Their length ranges from 46-100 mm. and their weight ranges between 4-6 g., with a tail length that ranges between 25-82 mm. They have a dark grey pelage with slightly paler under parts. Their teeth are sharp, pointed and often stained. The reproductive season is between April through August and they usually have several litters throughout each year. The average litter size is between four and seven, and the young are born helpless and unfurred. They are placed quickly into a nest made of grasses and leaves, where they reumain until they are weaned.

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This species likes cold damp coniferous forest containing moss-covered rocks and logs. It uses the crevices and dead and down woody material for cover. It is also found at lower elevations but its preferred habitat is the higher coniferous forest. They can be found in cool, damp forests, both deciduous and mixed. However, their preferred habitats are the moist forested areas of high altitude regions. Living primarily in mountainous environments, these shrews can be found at high densities along mountain streams and amid the debris surrounding rock-slides.

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