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Black-tailed jackrabbit, Lepus californicus

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The black-tailed jackrabbits most identifying feature is its huge ears. The ears along with the tail are tipped with black fur. It has long slender front legs and large hind feet that can be 5 inches in length. In the wild on average jackrabbits live 2-5 years. They usually live longer when in a zoological setting. Adult black-tailed jackrabbits weigh from 3-7 pounds and are about two feet in length. The black-tailed jackrabbit is not really a rabbit, it is a hare. This is because its young are born with fur and with their eyes already open. Jackrabbits can run as fast as 40 mph in short bursts in order to escape predators.

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Black-tailed Jackrabbits can be found on brushlands, prairies and meadows. They are often associated with pastures that have been grazed by livestock. Unlike other animals that need dense brush cover, jackrabbits use the high visibility of pasturelands to spot predators before they spot them. The black-tailed jackrabbit rests during the day and feeds in the late afternoon and the night. Black-tailed jackrabbits do not migrate or hibernate during winter and the same habitat is used year-round.

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