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Hairy-tailed mole, Parascalops breweri

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This animal has dark grey fur with lighter underparts, a pointed nose and a short, hairy tail. It is about 5.9 in long, including a 1.2 in tail, and weighs about 1.9 oz. Its front paws are broad and spade-shaped, specialized for digging. It has 44 teeth. Its eyes are covered by fur and its ears are not external. Its feet and snout are pinkish, but become white in older animals. Several adaptations to living primarily underground can be seen in the hairy-tailed mole. The hairy-tailed mole constructs elaborate tunnel systems under the earth. It may share its system with other moles. When a hairy-tailed mole dies, its system may be taken over by another mole.

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It is found in forested and open areas with dry loose soils in eastern Canada and the northeastern United States. Since it adapted to digging which lives primarily but not solely, underground mammal, it needs moist but well-drained soil so that it can dig easily. The hairy-tailed mole prefers woods, oldfields, and roadsides. Since it lives primarily underground in shallow tunnels it can forage throughout the day and will also forage on the ground's surface at night. The hairy-tailed mole is more active near the surface during warmer summer months and digs deeper underground in the cooler fall and winter months.

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