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European hare, Lepus europaeus

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The European hare is among the largest hare species and is adapted to temperate, open country. Generally nocturnal and shy in nature, hares change their behavior in the spring, when they can be seen in broad daylight chasing one another around in fields. The eyes of European hares are set high on the sides of their head, and they have long ears and flexible necks. The fur color is grizzled yellow-brown on the back; rufous on the shoulders, legs, neck, and throat; white on the underside, and black on the tail and ear tips.

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European hares primarily live in open fields with scattered brush for shelter. They are very adaptable and may occur in mixed farmland. European hares spend a third of their time foraging. During the daytime, they hide in a depression in the ground called a "form" where they are partially hidden. They can run at43 mph, and when confronted by predators they rely on outrunning them in the open. The female nests in a depression on the surface of the ground rather than in a burrow and the young are active as soon as they are born. Litters may consist of three or four young and a female can bear three litters a year, with hares living for up to twelve years.

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