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Eastern mole, Scalopus aquaticus

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The eastern mole has grey-brown fur with silver-grey underparts, a pointed nose and a short tail. It is about 6.3 in long including a 1.2 in long tail and weighs about 2.6 oz. Its front paws are broad and spade-shaped, specialized for digging. It has 36 teeth. Its eyes are covered by fur and its ears are not visible. Earthworms and grubs are a principle food; also centipedes, beetles, ants, and other invertebrates. They have no external ears or eyes though it may be that their poorly developed eyes can detect light. One individual in captivity lived for longer than 36 months but in the wild it is thought that they live for less.

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It is found in in a variety of habitats including forests, fields, pastures, gardens, lawns, and other areas with loose, well-drained soils in northern Mexico, the eastern United States and the southwestern corner of Ontario in Canada. The Eastern Mole, like other moles, has a single litter annually. Mating begins in late winter or early spring followed by a pregnancy of 4-6 weeks. In the spring, a litter of 2-5 (average 4) young is born in the underground nest chamber, which is lined with roots, leaves, or grass. Newborn moles are blind and nearly hairless. Young are weaned after a month of rapid growth.

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