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Caribou, Rangifer tarandus (no longer present in area)

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The Caribou has brown shaggy fur and a white neck, rump, and belly. In some areas, the caribou can be almost entirely white. The caribou has a long snout; a short tail; and long legs with large, round hooves. The caribou has a dewlap covered with long white hair on its throat. A subspecies, the woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou), is currently listed as endangered in the U.S. The woodland caribou is a subspecies of caribou found in Montana, Idaho, and Washington. It was once found in New England. Like most herd animals, the caribou must keep moving to find adequate food. Large herds often migrate long distances between summer and winter ranges. Smaller herds may not migrate at all. In summer, caribou eat the leaves of willows, sedges, plants, and mushrooms. They switch to lichens, dried sedges, and small shrubs in September.

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The caribou is found in Alaska and in Canada south through British Columbia to eastern Washington. northern Idaho, and northwestern Montana. Caribou live all across Canada’s boreal region and are present in all the provinces and territories, except Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island. Even with such a large range, these animals are in danger. Recent studies show that of the 51 herds that live in Canada, at least 20 are in decline. The main reasons caribou move between different types of habitat are to avoid predators and to find food. Changing ranges are considered critical habitat for caribou because changes within these ecosystems may influence the ability of mountain caribou to avoid predators, find food, or be undisturbed.

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